“Electric Dreams” Volt E-bike Factory in Manufacturing Today

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Volt factory in Manufactoring Today feature

As news of our new Milton Keynes electric bike factory continues to spread, more articles and media features come to the surface. This week we’re sharing a great article in Manufacturing Today.

Matching high-end looks with the most advanced technology, Milton Keynes-based manufacturer Volt is responsible for an award-winning range of some of the best electric bikes that money can buy

Well, we couldn’t have said it better ourselves! Norwich-based Manufacturing Today Magazine is a leading and global voice in manufacturing.  A trade publication featuring and distributed to industry leaders in their fields. From aerospace engineering to consumer bioplastics, the broad range of topics is matched by a level of depth and understanding that only the industry experts who write for this publication can recognise and deliver. It’s a real honour and privilege to feature in such a globally respected magazine.

You can read this great article here and also check out the in-depth Volt profile on their website.